Revealed: the postcode lottery in child and adolescent mental health care

An FOI investigation by The House has uncovered a postcode lottery in child and adolescent mental health care, with some desperate young people waiting up to four years for help.

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Road Warriors

Over the last couple of years, the row over Oxford’s traffic restrictions has grown in prominence from a local skirmish to become the target of global far-right conspiracy theories. Stuart McGurk travels to the dreaming spires to find a city at war with itself.

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Truth, lies and racism:The story behind the “Sewell Report”

Today remembered as the report that said institutional racism doesn’t exist, insiders tell Seun Matiluko whatcritics and defenders got right and wrong about the 2021 report of the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

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Dirty Waters

The Environment Agency is the watchdog that aims to “create better places for people and wildlife” – but insiders tell Andrew Kersley that funding cuts have left it struggling to do its job

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Carnival of Brexit

How The Government's £120m "Festival Of Brexit" Went RogueBy Stuart McGurk formagazine

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